처음 븹겠습니다.
I am Marta
Nice to meet you.
In this blog you will find help in learning Spanish.
This blog is the English version of my principal blog "Aprenspan: tu lugar para aprender coreano y español" wich is all in Spanish.
But I know that if you are learning Spanish, there may be things that you don't understand and that is why I created this blog parallel, just as staff support.
But my English is not too good, so... if you find any error let me know so I can correct it and learn ^^
I am really a beginner in Korean, and that is why my explanations are not in Korean, I hope that in future may create a third blog, but this time in Korean.
And again, if you find any mistakes in my translations: Spanish->Korean, please, tell me that so I can correct and learn too!
Feel free to ask anything, I'll try to help!
Learning Spanish [스페인어 배우기]
English version of part of the blog "Aprenspan: tu sitio para aprender coreano y español"
miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010
jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010
There are some expressions with you will always use the subjunctive... "antes de que" is one of them.
"que" is important because if the phrase is "antes de" without "que" we will use infinitive, not subjuntive.
The most common uses of the subjunctive are:
1. express desire
2. express doubt
3. with expressions that always used subjunctive
4. in a negative order
1. Express desire
verbs: querer, esperar, necesitar,
expression: ojalá..
Espero que vengas a mi fiesta. (I hope you come to my party.)
Quiero que vengas a mi fiesta. (I want you to come to my party.)
Necesito que respondas la pregunta. (I need that you answer the question.)
Ojalá alcances tus sueños. (I hope you reach your dreams.)
2. Express doubt
expressions: quizás, posiblemente, tal vez,....
Quizás vaya mañana.
Posiblemente vaya mañana.
Tal vez vaya mañana.
(is the same thing-> Maybe, perhaps, I will come tomorrow)
3. expressions that always used subjunctive (but maybe not always but in most cases)
Es probable que
Es posible que
Es necesario que
Es conveniente que
Es mejor que
En caso que
A fin de que
Antes que, antes de que
Espero que
Deseo que
Dudo que
Dios quiera que
4. in a negative order
No fumes (don't smoke)
No bebas (don't drink)
No vayas (don't go)
- Antes de que comiese fuimos a pescar. (always past)
- Before lunch we went fishing.
- Antes de comer fuimos a pescar. (past, chronological order)
- Before lunch we went fishing.
- Antes de comer iremos a pescar. (future, chronological order)
- Before lunch we will go fishing.
The most common uses of the subjunctive are:
1. express desire
2. express doubt
3. with expressions that always used subjunctive
4. in a negative order
1. Express desire
verbs: querer, esperar, necesitar,
expression: ojalá..
Espero que vengas a mi fiesta. (I hope you come to my party.)
Quiero que vengas a mi fiesta. (I want you to come to my party.)
Necesito que respondas la pregunta. (I need that you answer the question.)
Ojalá alcances tus sueños. (I hope you reach your dreams.)
2. Express doubt
expressions: quizás, posiblemente, tal vez,....
Quizás vaya mañana.
Posiblemente vaya mañana.
Tal vez vaya mañana.
(is the same thing-> Maybe, perhaps, I will come tomorrow)
3. expressions that always used subjunctive (but maybe not always but in most cases)
Es probable que
Es posible que
Es necesario que
Es conveniente que
Es mejor que
En caso que
A fin de que
Antes que, antes de que
Espero que
Deseo que
Dudo que
Dios quiera que
4. in a negative order
No fumes (don't smoke)
No bebas (don't drink)
No vayas (don't go)
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
Consonats g and j
The consonant g changes his sound depending of the vowels that follows.
Listen the pronuntiation:
In Spanish (original post)
- Has the same sound as the consonat j with vowels: e, i.
- To have the same sound as "ga"is necessary to put the vowel "u" before "e", and "i" in these cases the "u" is silent.
- gue
- gui
- "u" in "gue"and "gui" is pronounced when has an umlaut (¨); ü:
- güe
- güi
Listen the pronuntiation:
In Spanish (original post)
Lesson 4. Spanish gender and number
Nouns and adjetives in Spanish have gender and number.
In Spanish (original post)
- female (
), [여자의]
- male (
) [ 남성적인]
- singular: when there is only one. [단수형(문법)]
- plural: when there are more than one. [ 복수(문법)]
- Female, singular:
- mujer (woman) [여자]
- niña (little gilr) [소녀]
- hermana (sister) [누나, 언니, 여동생]
- mamá (mom) [엄마]
- casa (house) [집]
- Male, singular:
- hombre (men) [남자]
- niño (little boy) [소년]
- hermano (brother) [오빠, 형, 남동생]
- papá (dad) [아빠]
- libro (book) [책]
- Female, plural:
- mujeres (women)
- niñas (girls)
- hermanas (sisters)
- casas (houses)
- Male, plural:
- hombres (men)
- niños (boys)
- hermanos (brothers)
- libros (books)
In Spanish (original post)
lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009
Gallery Korean Handwriting
I'm going to creating a gallery with Korean handwriting of those you like to participate.
It's good to see different fonts (Hangeul) since we usually only read hangeul from the computer or ourselves.
For now I already have the handwriting of Pa and mine, I will also that of my Korean friend with whom I exchange Spanish-Korean.
If you are Korean native I would be glad to received your handwriting also.
There will be no deadline, is a gallery which will grow over time.
I know many of you are now learning to write and know only a few letters or words, it does not matter, it is not necessary to write a text, you can just type "hello", "thank you" or any phrase of Basic conversation guide.
It will be great to see how your writing has evolved over time, right? there is no limit to the number of images to your handwriting or time limit, is something that will be permanent on the blog.
Dare you?
I hope the gallery grow a lot with your words!
You can send images scanned or photographed to aprendospanish@gmail.com
It's good to see different fonts (Hangeul) since we usually only read hangeul from the computer or ourselves.
For now I already have the handwriting of Pa and mine, I will also that of my Korean friend with whom I exchange Spanish-Korean.
If you are Korean native I would be glad to received your handwriting also.
There will be no deadline, is a gallery which will grow over time.
I know many of you are now learning to write and know only a few letters or words, it does not matter, it is not necessary to write a text, you can just type "hello", "thank you" or any phrase of Basic conversation guide.
It will be great to see how your writing has evolved over time, right? there is no limit to the number of images to your handwriting or time limit, is something that will be permanent on the blog.
Dare you?
I hope the gallery grow a lot with your words!
You can send images scanned or photographed to aprendospanish@gmail.com
lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009
- Escribirlo en coreano es difícil.
- Writing it in Korean is difficult:
- 한국어에서 쓰기 어려워요.
- =>이걸 한국어로 말하는 건 저한테 어려워요
- Estoy interesada en el urbanismo y aprender otras culturas.
- I'm interesting in urban design and learn about other cultures:
- 전 도시 계획과 다른 문화에 대해 알기 재미있아요.
- =>저는 도시계획과 외국 문화에 관심이 많아요.
- Me encanta viajar y quiero vivir en otros paises.
- I love traveling and want to live in other countries:
- 저는 여행을 좋아해요 또 다른 나라에 살고 싶어요.
- =>저는 여행을 좋아해요. 그리고 외국에서 살고 싶어요.
- Tenía que tomar una decisión, entonces elegí aprender coreano.
- I had to make a decision, then I chose to learn Korean:
- 전 결정을 내려야했다 그럼 한국어 배우기 선택했어요.
- =>전 결정을 내려야 했고, 그래서 한국어를 선택했어요.
- Quizás después aprenda japones y chino.
- Maybe later I'll Japanese and Chinese:
- 아마 나중에 일본어과 중국어를 배울게요.
- =>아마(도) 나중에 일본어와 중국어를 배울 것 같아요.
as I said, full of mistakes ^_^
sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009
왜 한국어를 공부하세요?
Question: 왜 한국어를 공부하세요?
(Why do you study Korean?)
And my answer:
Writing it in Korean is difficult:
한국어에서 쓰기 어려워요.
I'm interesting in urban design and learn about other cultures:
전 도시 계획과 다른 문화에 대해 알기 재미있아요.
I love traveling and want to live in other countries:
저는 여행을 좋아해요 또 다른 나라에 살고 싶어요.
I had to make a decision, then I chose to learn Korean:
전 결정을 내려야했다 그럼 한국어 배우기 선택했어요.
Maybe later I'll Japanese and Chinese:
아마 나중에 일본어과 중국어를 배울게요.
This is the first time I answered to that question in Korean, and it cost me almost 1 ½ hours! Among search words, simplification of the original sentence, grammatical constructions learned review, search of some new ... All this for 5 sentences ...
I have already answered to the message and now I can only wait until I get it back corrected and with a question that'll probably take 2 hours to write.
But still, knowing he will return full of corrections, I am proud of my work, I tried to do my best...
Next time I'll write the corrections.
Thanks for read!
(Why do you study Korean?)
And my answer:
Writing it in Korean is difficult:
한국어에서 쓰기 어려워요.
I'm interesting in urban design and learn about other cultures:
전 도시 계획과 다른 문화에 대해 알기 재미있아요.
I love traveling and want to live in other countries:
저는 여행을 좋아해요 또 다른 나라에 살고 싶어요.
I had to make a decision, then I chose to learn Korean:
전 결정을 내려야했다 그럼 한국어 배우기 선택했어요.
Maybe later I'll Japanese and Chinese:
아마 나중에 일본어과 중국어를 배울게요.
This is the first time I answered to that question in Korean, and it cost me almost 1 ½ hours! Among search words, simplification of the original sentence, grammatical constructions learned review, search of some new ... All this for 5 sentences ...
I have already answered to the message and now I can only wait until I get it back corrected and with a question that'll probably take 2 hours to write.
But still, knowing he will return full of corrections, I am proud of my work, I tried to do my best...
Next time I'll write the corrections.
Thanks for read!
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
Lesson 2. Irregular verb "ser". Present tense
The verb ser (to be) equal to Korean 이다.
In Spanish, verbs are conjugated to each personal pronoun.
In Spanish, verbs are conjugated to each personal pronoun.
Let's first personal pronouns:
Español | coreano | English |
yo | 나,저 | I |
tú | 너,당신 | you |
usted | 당신 (respeto) | you (respectful) |
él | 그 | He |
ella | 그녀 | She |
nosotros | 우리 | we |
vosotros | 너희 | you |
ustedes | 너희 (respeto) | you (Respectful) |
ellos | 그들 | they |
Present tense of the verb "ser":
yo | soy |
tú | eres |
él, ella, (usted) | es |
nosotros | somos |
vosotros | sois |
ellos (ustedes) | son |
Yo soy estudiante. (저는 학생입니다) I'm a student.
Él es profesor. (그는 선생님입니다) He's a teacher.
Pablo es estudiante. (파블로는 학생입니다) Pablo is a student.
Ella es actriz. (그녀는 배우입니다) She is an actress
María es profesora. (마리아는 선생님입니다) Maria is a teacher
El coche es rojo. (자동차 빨간색입니다) The car is red
Nosotros somos abogados. (우리는 변호사입니다) We are lawyers
Vosotros sois estudiantes. (너희는 학생입니다) You are students
Ellos son cantantes. (그들은 가수입니다) They are singers
In Spanish (original post)
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
Consonant ñ
The letter ñ is characteristic of Spanish.
In this video you can see the letter combined with the five vowels and hear their pronunciation:
at the end you find vocabulary with images to practice.
In Spanish (original post)
In this video you can see the letter combined with the five vowels and hear their pronunciation:
at the end you find vocabulary with images to practice.
In Spanish (original post)
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
Ser/estar (to be)
This is one of the major difficulties encountered when learning Spanish.
> The verb ser is used to indicate, identify, we have the verb in Korean ‘이다’
- Yo soy Marta (I'm Marta).
- Esto es un escritorio (This is a desk)
- Soy profesor (I am a teacher)
- Soy estudiante (I am a student )
- Yo estoy estudiando (I am studying)
- is that you are →Soy estudiante (I am a student)
- is something you do → Estoy estudiando (I’m studying)
> The verb ser is used to indicate origin, nationality.
- Soy de Valencia →I'm from Valencia
- Soy española →I am Spanish.
Let's now one of the common mistakes:
- Yo soy en Valencia. Because is the literal translate of I am in Valencia.
> To say that you are at a place we use the verb estar.
- Estoy en Valencia (I am in Valencia)
- Estoy en casa (I'm at home)
This also serves to indicate the location of objects:
- El libro está encima de la mesa (The book is on the table)
- El gato está al lado del escritorio (The cat is next to the desk)
> For moods and emotions can be used two verbs: ser and estar but have different meanings. Consider these examples:
- Yo soy feliz → Soy una persona feliz siempre.
- (I am happy) →( I am a happy person always.)
- Yo estoy feliz → en este momento tengo felicidad.
- (I am happy)→ (at this moment I have happiness)
- Él es triste. → Es una persona que siempre tiene tristeza.
- (He is sad) →(is a person who is always sad)
- Él está triste. → En este momento le ha pasado algo que hace que tenga tristeza
- (He is sad) →At this time, something has happened to him that makes him with sadness
- Él es feo. →es una persona que no tiene belleza.
- (He is ugly) →(is a person who hasn`t beauty)
- Él está feo. → tiene un corte de pelo malo, lleva ropa fea, por algo en este momento notiene belleza pero puede tenerla.
- (He is ugly)→ (has a bad haircut, ugly clothing, for somenthing is ugly a this time, he hasen´t beauty now but he can has it)
- Yo soy bueno. → es una persona que tiene bondad, que hace cosas buenas
- (I’m good)→ (is a person with kidness, vich makes good things)
- Yo estoy bueno. → persona que tiene buen físico, o buen estado de salud
- (I´m good)→ (is a person who has good physical→is hot, or who has good health)
Well, this is all for today. Later we will study this more carefully.
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